12/2017 – 11/2021
Ministry of Health, Kyrgyzstan
Financing Institution
Consortium Partner
m4h Key Areas
Health Systems
Overall project value
- Improving case-oriented medical treatment of high-risk pregnancies and sick and/or pre-term new-born in the catchment area
- Improving skills for nationwide education of medical, nursing, managerial and technical personnel
Project description
In this project, m4h provided technical support to the German Government for the improvement of Kyrgyzstan’s perinatal health development program: ‘Mother Child Care IV and V – Perinatal Centre Bishkek’. Our team is operating in close coordination and cooperation with other supporting partners including GIZ (capacity development), WHO (quality of care), UNFPA (guidelines).
As a part of this project, our experts supported capacity development programs for the National Perinatal Centre.
Scope of work
- Developing the capacities and skills required for effective operationalisation of tertiary level hospital that can provide the required quality of perinatal care services.
- Effective training for medical professionals and improve the quality of care and services.
- Advanced training in the appropriate clinical use of perinatal care equipment
- Develop workflows and implement operationalisation of the referral & transport system
- Development of an operation and maintenance concept for all equipment in the National Perinatal Centre
- Strengthen the business and finance planning of the National Perinatal Centre.
The existing skills and human capacity survey of MCH staff revealed existing opportunities and needs of the National Perinatal Centre. One of the key identifications was the need to use tele obstetrics services to improve care quality. This innovative and disruptive service provision was followed by trainings in the use for the tele clinical services.
Another highlight is, the provision of short-term on the job training for modern technology in collaboration with international institutions, by encouraging and supporting twinning partnerships with hospitals (i.e. Germany, Lithuania, Kazakhstan) that have undergone a similar experience.
Outstanding characteristics
- Process mapping and operationalisation of a referral system.
- Provisions for capacity building programs for the improvement of patient care.
- Use of telemedicine services for the improvement of mother and childcare in the country.
- Business planning and optimisation of payment for services and incentive mechanisms.
- Design IT ecosystem and connections with e-health solutions

Training of healthcare professionals