
Integrated School Health Policy Project South Africa

Implementation overview for Output A of the Multisectoral HIV Prevention

Author: m4health/Save the Children ISHP project team
Published on May 2021

From October 2018 to April 2021 the ISHP project focused on capacity building for the Task Teams in charge of implementing ISHP. The project started out by conducting a capacity assessment with the ISHP Task Teams as the basis for formulating its capacity development programme and priorities.

Case Study

Rural Ultrasound Program Nepal

A success story in reducing maternal deaths in remote areas

Author: m4health IMCCR project team
Published on April 2021

Advances in affordability and portability have brought the use of ultrasound closer to those that need it the most. A Rural Ultrasound Programme was introduced in Nepal under the IMCCR project. According to early analysis of data, ultrasound use has changed patient management plans and facilitated early diagnosis and referral of high risk pregnancies. Ultrasound  use has proven to be a useful modality that particularly benefits women’s health and obstetrical care in rural remote areas.


COVID-19 Face Masks Information

Author: Dr. Norbert Wagner, m4health COVID response team
Published on July 23, 2020, 2020 by m4h

Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission of Covid19. The use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19. The following document developed by m4h, provides guidance on the various types of Covid-19 related face masks and their use in health care and community setting. It is intended as an information guide to health practitioners, both public health and health care workers.


Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Review Hospital Care 2019

Authors: This review was prepared by a team led by ADB, including Prof. Dr Michael Niechzial as member of the review team
Published in 2019 by the Asian Development Bank, Philippines

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been providing technical and financial support to the health sector in Pakistan, particularly the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, for the last 2 decades. This report was commissioned at the request of the government in 2019 to identify bottlenecks and opportunities within the focus areas of health governance, health infrastructure, and health financing in the framework of hospital care.